Extended Care Program
LCA offers an Extended Care Program on days when the school is in session for students who are currently enrolled in the school’s academic program. Parents/Guardians must sign in their student(s) when entering Before Care and sign out their student(s) when exiting After Care.
Before Care:
Before Care is available 7:00-7:45 for students 3 years old through 12th grade at a cost of $8 per hour per student. It is billed in 30 minute increments.
After Care:
After care is available 3:30-6:00 for students 3 years old through 12th grade at a cost of $8 per hour per student 3 years old through 6th grade. Billing is in 30 minute increments. There is no charge for After Care for students in grades 7-12.
The program closes promptly at 6:00 p.m. Parents/Guardians are requested to be on time when picking up their student(s). There is a late fee of $1.00 for every 5-minute delay after 6:00 p.m. Repeated delays will result in the removal of your student from the program.
* Please provide your student with a snack for Before Care & After Care.
Please note: Any student, regardless of their age/grade, not picked up by 3:30 p.m. must report to After Care, applicable fees will apply.
The Finance Office will track the time and charges incurred for Extended Care.
Charges will be posted in each families FACTS account by the 5th of each month. Payment is due by the last day of the month. Payments can be made on line or be sent into the school office.
There is an additional $10 late fee if the bill is not paid after 60 days.
At this time LCA does not have Extended Care available when school is closed for inclement weather.
If LCA opens late due to inclement weather, there is no Before Care.
If LCA closes early due to inclement weather, there is no After Care.